Sujip Thapa

A professional & experienced web developer, always ready to support PHP developers, creator of this blog, Laravel enthusiast, I like to share what I know through my blog regularly.

Advanced Query Debugging in Laravel 10: Mastering Efficient Techniques

Introduction: Debugging queries is an essential skill for Laravel 10 developers, and utilizing advanced techniques can greatly enhance the process. In this article, we will explore practical examples of query debugging using Laravel's query builder. We will focus on advanced methods,...

Login with Username or Email with Laravel 10: Enhanced User Authentication

Introduction: Welcome back to my blog series on user authentication with Laravel! In my previous articles, we have covered the topic of login with username or email in different versions of Laravel. Today, I'm excited to bring you an updated approach specifically for Laravel 10. This...

Generate Free SSL Certificates with Let's Encrypt in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up a simple Laravel website that allows users to generate free SSL certificates using Let's Encrypt, PKIJS, and JSZIP. SSL certificates are essential for securing websites and enabling HTTPS. We will walk...

Unleashing the Power of Carbon in Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: In Laravel, working with dates and times is a common requirement for many applications. Fortunately, the Carbon library provides a powerful and intuitive API that simplifies date manipulation and offers a wide range of features. In this comprehensive guide, we will explo...

Simplify Your Code with Single Action Controllers in Laravel

In the Laravel framework, controllers play a crucial role in organizing and handling the logic of your web application. Typically, a controller contains multiple actions, each responsible for handling a specific HTTP request. However, there are cases where a controller may only need t...

Stripe Payment Gateway Integration with Laravel

Before through this blog, I've covered some of the popular payment gateways like PayPal, SecurePay, eSewa, etc. This article is about the Stripe payment gateway to handle one-time payments with express checkout. Introduction Stripe is a payment service provider dealing with online...

How to Get a Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

Having is an SSL certificate is becoming important nowadays to gain trust from the customer. Already, trusted browsers like Google Chrome have started to show Not Secure on the URL bar if the website does not have an SSL certificate installed on the server for the website. For websit...

Manage multiple PHP versions in Linux: 2022 edition

Do you also have the below question in your mind? How to manage multiple PHP versions in your local development environment? If you are having trouble managing multiple PHP versions in your local development environment, then you're at the right place to get the best solution for yo...
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Laravel Jetstream: Quick Review

The official team from Laravel has announced the next major version, Laravel 8.0, to release on the 8th of September 2020. Along with this significant release, few first-party packages, including Laravel Jetstream, Fortify are also releasing to join the Laravel ecosystem. The author...
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How to Deploy Laravel Application to VPS Server

In the previous article, I wrote about how we can utilize an Envoy package, and gave a walk through to the Envoy use cases, and explained who it makes a lot easier on deploying your next Laravel application to the remote server. Throughout this article, you are going to learn how you...