Image Upload in PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide

Handling image uploads is a common task in web development. This guide will walk you through setting up image uploads in pure PHP, utilizing Composer for dependency management and ensuring robust validation. Prerequisites Before we start, ensure you have PHP and Composer installed o...

Image Upload in Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide

Uploading files is a common requirement in web applications. Laravel provides a robust framework to handle file uploads with ease, ensuring security and validation. This guide will walk you through setting up image uploads in Laravel, first using local storage and then extending it to...
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Getting Started with PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

IntroductionWelcome to the world of PHP! Whether you're completely new to programming or looking to expand your skills, PHP is a great language to learn. It's widely used for web development, powering everything from simple websites to complex web applications. In this guide, we'll wa...
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A Custom PHP Function for Recursive Array Filtering

In PHP, working with multidimensional arrays often requires recursive functions to handle nested data structures. In this blog post, we'll explore an enhanced version of a recursive function designed to filter and trim data within a multidimensional array. I came up with this functi...

MySQL SELECT Query: Fallback to Another Column for Null or Zero Values

IntroductionIn Laravel or any PHP project, there are times when you need a SQL query to select a column and check if its value is null or 0. If the value is null or 0, you might want to fallback to a different column from another table. This guide will show you how to achieve this usi...

Leveraging Laravel Eloquent: Retrieving Foreign Key Constraints from the Database

Foreign key constraints play a pivotal role in maintaining data integrity within relational databases. However, accessing information about these constraints programmatically can be challenging. In this guide, we'll explore how to leverage Laravel's Eloquent ORM to effortlessly retrie...

How to Integrate PayPal REST API for Online Payments

Before diving into the main content of the article below, let's go through the previously created articles on this blog.We have already created some articles that explain the classic PayPal API known as PayPal Express Checkout, also referred to as NVP/SOAP API. Most of the previous ar...

Flexibility of Invokable PHP Classes

Introduction PHP, being a versatile and widely used programming language, offers various features to enhance code flexibility and organization. One such powerful feature is "Invokable PHP Classes" or "Callable Classes." These classes can be invoked as if they were functions, enabling...

Generate Free SSL Certificates with Let's Encrypt in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up a simple Laravel website that allows users to generate free SSL certificates using Let's Encrypt, PKIJS, and JSZIP. SSL certificates are essential for securing websites and enabling HTTPS. We will walk...

Unleashing the Power of Carbon in Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: In Laravel, working with dates and times is a common requirement for many applications. Fortunately, the Carbon library provides a powerful and intuitive API that simplifies date manipulation and offers a wide range of features. In this comprehensive guide, we will explo...