Image Upload in PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide

Handling image uploads is a common task in web development. This guide will walk you through setting up image uploads in pure PHP, utilizing Composer for dependency management and ensuring robust validation. Prerequisites Before we start, ensure you have PHP and Composer installed o...
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Getting Started with PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

IntroductionWelcome to the world of PHP! Whether you're completely new to programming or looking to expand your skills, PHP is a great language to learn. It's widely used for web development, powering everything from simple websites to complex web applications. In this guide, we'll wa...
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A Custom PHP Function for Recursive Array Filtering

In PHP, working with multidimensional arrays often requires recursive functions to handle nested data structures. In this blog post, we'll explore an enhanced version of a recursive function designed to filter and trim data within a multidimensional array. I came up with this functi...

Simplifying Laravel Development with Invokable Controllers

Introduction Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, is renowned for its simplicity, elegance, and developer-friendly features. Among its array of powerful functionalities, "Invokable Controllers" stands out as an exceptional feature that can significantly enhance the organi...

Flexibility of Invokable PHP Classes

Introduction PHP, being a versatile and widely used programming language, offers various features to enhance code flexibility and organization. One such powerful feature is "Invokable PHP Classes" or "Callable Classes." These classes can be invoked as if they were functions, enabling...
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eSewa Payment Gateway Integration with Laravel

In this article, I will show you how to integrate eSewa API v1.0 with the Laravel framework. eSewa is Nepal's first popular online payment gateway helping businesses to accept their payments online. As like a few other payment gateways integration with PHP, I've recently worked on a...

Testing Packages on Composer with Specific Commit Before Creating New Tag

Composer, which is a modern developer tool for dependency management for PHP. It is used to declare the dependencies your project depends on it and it manages them very well for you. It is incredibly flexible to manage the dependencies in various stage of your project. Let's suppose...
Laravel 5.6 Login, Register

Laravel 5.6 Login, Register, Activation with Username or Email Support

This is another interesting blog post about Laravel 5.6 login, register with username or email support. I've already published two articles about customizing the laravel authentication process. In this article, I will be helping you to build following things below, with Laravel v...
PayPal Integration with PHP

PayPal Integration – Omnipay PayPal PHP Library v3.0 with Laravel

This is my third blog post about PayPal Integration with Omnipay payment processing library. In this article, I will mainly cover about the recent release v3.0, which is finally available for developers around the world. I'm sure many developers around the world were eagerly waiting f...

PSR-2 Coding Standard – Automatically Format in Sublime Text

It is always really nice when a code editor allows fixing your code to PSR2 coding standard by just hitting a single command. At my work, we heavily use Laravel framework, which follows the PSR-2 coding standard. So, every day we create new packages, add new classes we firs...