Open Source

Besides writing blog posts and sharing the knowledge throughout this blog, I'm also an open-source contributor to support the web development community and people around the globe to share the knowledge between developers.

Below are some of my popular open-source packages shared with the community.

GUID 101.07k

A framework agnostic PHP package for generating a globally unique identifier, and is supported on PHP 5.4 and higher.

This package has support for Laravel integration out of the box with package auto-discovery.

This package is available on packagist and can be installed with composer.

eSewa 3.46k

This package was built to support the developers in Nepal who are searching for a built-in package for integrating esewa to accept online payments with their projects.

I went to search through google and found there is no decent package created for esewa therefore, decided to support the developers and released this one as open-source project.

This package is already liked and used by thousands of developers and has 3.43k plus downloads in github as of writing this content.

Omnipay Payment Gateway Packages

I've already worked with a couple of omnipay packages to deal with various popular payment service providers like PayPal, Stripe, Openpay, NAB Transact, PayPal IPN handler, etc.

PayPal Rest

This package supports PayPal Orders API v2, which is their latest API version as of writing this content. It offers functionalities such as creating orders, capturing payment for orders, adding tracking information, and verifying, fetching, deleting webhooks, etc. Read more about the package directly on GitHub.

NAB Transact - 8.18k plus downloads as of writing this content.

PayPal IPN - 19.62k plus downloads as of writting this content.

Openpay 2.3k plus downloads as of writting this conent.

Mastercard (MPGS) - new package recently released.

If you have any feedback, questions, or need any assistance regarding my open-source packages feel free to fill in the contact us form through this blog, and I will try to get back as soon as possible via email.

Thanks for reading up the end, and if you enjoyed reading the content on my blog. Please feel free to share them with your circle.

Last updated May 2024