Flexibility of Invokable PHP Classes


PHP, being a versatile and widely used programming language, offers various features to enhance code flexibility and organization. One such powerful feature is "Invokable PHP Classes" or "Callable Classes." These classes can be invoked as if they were functions, enabling developers to encapsulate behavior and use classes as callable entities. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of invokable PHP classes, exploring their potential applications, and showcasing examples of how they can be utilized to create clean and maintainable code.

1. Dependency Injection:

class MyService
    public function __invoke($arg)
        // Service logic using $arg

// Register the invokable class in the dependency injection container
$container->register('my_service', MyService::class);

// Resolve and execute the service
$service = $container->get('my_service');
$result = $service($someArgument);


2. Middleware:

class AuthenticationMiddleware
    public function __invoke($request, $next)
        // Perform authentication logic before passing to the next handler
        // $request = ... modify the request if needed
        $response = $next($request);
        // Perform actions after the request has been handled (if needed)
        return $response;

// Usage in a middleware stack
$middlewareStack = [
    new AuthenticationMiddleware(),
    // Other middleware classes
    // ...

foreach ($middlewareStack as $middleware) {
    $finalRequestHandler = $middleware($finalRequestHandler);

$response = $finalRequestHandler($request);


3. Closures with State:

class Counter
    private $count = 0;

    public function __invoke()
        return $this->count++;

$counter = new Counter();
echo $counter(); // Output: 0
echo $counter(); // Output: 1
echo $counter(); // Output: 2


4. Custom Function Wrappers:

class FunctionWrapper
    public function __invoke($function, ...$args)
        // Perform actions before calling the function
        // ...
        $result = $function(...$args);
        // Perform actions after calling the function
        // ...
        return $result;

$wrapper = new FunctionWrapper();
$wrappedFunction = $wrapper(function ($a, $b) {return $a + $b;}, 3, 5);
echo $wrappedFunction; // Output: 8


5. API Routing and Controllers:

class UserController
    public function __invoke($request, $response)
        $userId = $request->getParam('id');
        // Fetch user data using $userId
        // ...
        return $response->withJson($userData);

// Define API routes
$app->get('/users/{id}', UserController::class);


6. Command-Line Tasks:

class ImportDataTask
    public function __invoke($options)
        // Read options and perform the data import task
        // ...

// Execute the command-line task
$importTask = new ImportDataTask();
$importTask(['file' => 'data.csv', 'format' => 'csv']);


7. Event Listeners:

class UserRegisteredListener
    public function __invoke($event)
        $user = $event->getUser();
        // Perform actions when a user is registered
        // ...

// Register the event listener
$dispatcher->addListener('user.registered', new UserRegisteredListener());


8. Custom Filters:

class TrimFilter
    public function __invoke($value)
        return trim($value);

$trimFilter = new TrimFilter();
$cleanedValue = $trimFilter('  Hello, world!  ');
echo $cleanedValue; // Output: "Hello, world!"

Also Read: Simplifying Laravel Development with Invokable Controllers


We share a lot of articles in this blog regarding the Laravel framework. Here, you may have questions about whether any of the Laravel features include invokable PHP classes. An example is provided below.

Yes, Laravel has features that support invokable classes. In fact, Laravel's support for invokable classes is one of its powerful features that can help simplify and organize your code.

In Laravel, you can define a controller as an invokable class, allowing you to use it as a single-action controller with just the __invoke() method. This means you don't need to define multiple methods in your controller for each action; instead, the __invoke() method handles all the logic.

Here's an example of an invokable controller in Laravel:

// app/Http/Controllers/MyController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class MyController
    public function __invoke($id)
        // Your controller logic using $id
        // ...

You can then define a route to use this invokable controller in your web.php or api.php routes file:

// routes/web.php or routes/api.php
use App\Http\Controllers\MyController;

Route::get('/my-route/{id}', MyController::class);


When a request is made to /my-route/{id}, Laravel will automatically resolve and invoke the __invoke() method of the MyController class, passing the {id} as an argument.

Using invokable controllers in Laravel helps keep your code more concise and organized, especially for simple single-action routes. It's a powerful feature that promotes code reusability and makes your routes and controllers more manageable.


Invokable PHP classes offer a powerful and flexible way to structure code, encapsulate behavior, and create clean and maintainable applications. From dependency injection to middleware, custom filters to event listeners, and more, these classes enable developers to leverage the benefits of object-oriented programming while retaining the convenience of callable entities.

Incorporating invokable PHP classes into your development arsenal empowers you to build well-organized, modular, and easily maintainable codebases. By abstracting away implementation details and focusing on encapsulation, you can craft robust applications that can adapt and evolve over time.


As you embark on your PHP development journey, remember to explore the potential of invokable PHP classes and harness their power to create elegant and efficient solutions. Whether you're building web applications, APIs, or command-line tools, the use of invokable classes will undoubtedly streamline your development process and help you write code that is easy to read, understand, and extend.

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Happy coding!