Disabling CSRF on Specific Route via Middleware

I was lately working with PayPal API on my Laravel project. In the process of coding and testing for Instant Payment Notification (IPN) part, I got an issue with csrf token. The issue was mainly with the POST request to the application via external service, so it threw TokenMismatchEx...

Eloquent: Query Builder Compare Two Date Columns

I regularly share my knowledge about Laravel, Web Development tips, and tutorials via my blog. Now, here in this article, I am going to cover about comparing two different timestamp columns to filter out records from the database. Recently I was working on filtering some API ac...

Adding Custom Header with Response in Laravel

I was working out for the best way to add some custom header to my application for most of the view responses, I wanted the header to be "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate". I came up with the best solution with a laravel middleware and decided to share the code snippets...

Automatically Posting to Facebook Page via Laravel Notifications

 A powerful feature that came out with Laravel v5.3 was Laravel Notifications. There are several numbers of notification channels created by the contributors in a github organization called laravel-notification-channels. The notifications feature is fully available with lat...

Generating Never Expiring Facebook Page Access Token

I’ve been working on the new feature for my own blog to auto-posting the posts from the website to the facebook page via Facebook Graph API. My logic was just to make the process automated when I publish new blog post on my website end. Below, I will cover the processes that ar...
Make Composer Faster

Speed up your Composer Install or Update Process

We all know that, whenever we go for running composer update, we, of course, need to wait until the dependencies are loaded and download. It usually takes up to 5-10 minutes to complete the full process of pulling down from the package hosted server. This waiting time depends on the p...
Redirect After Login to Previous URL

Redirect to Previous URL After Logging in, Laravel v5.5

An end-user visit the website tries to view several products, services by navigating to different pages. If he finally wants to submit an order. Now the website, of course, takes him to login or register page to provide his personal information for shipping or billing purpose. After l...
Integrating Medium Style Image Zoom

Integrating Medium Style Image Zoom

I'm sure you already know about Medium, a widely used and popular publishing platform to share, articles, important stores over the internet. Medium – Read, write and share stories that matter. Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Evan Williams, and launched...

Authorizing New Device based on IP Address, with Laravel Middleware

I recently saw few of the e-commerce & payment gateway sites using device authorization system based on IP address, browser etc. I was also working on a same for my client's web app recently so wanted to share a detailed post with the community people. In this blog post, I will g...
IP to Location with PHP

A Simple IP to Geo Location solution for PHP

The freegeoip.net service is discontinued, so please refer to the new package to get the same service sudiptpa/ipstack I've abandoned the legacy package sudiptpa/geoip as the service provider discontinued on July 1st, 2018. I was working on my own use case to find out...